Photo by Madison Rae Photography
If you're getting married but not sure where to start with your Ceremony Script, this will help! This is an example of a non-traditional (not religious) Wedding Ceremony Script that you can copy and paste to fill in the information that applies to your day.
There are so many online resources that have different Ceremony Script examples so make sure to do you research to pick on that's the best for you and your partner.
[Welcome and Introduction]
Officiant:Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, thank you for gathering here today to celebrate the union of [Partner 1] and [Partner 2]. We are here to support and share in the joy of this special day. This ceremony is a reflection of their personalities, their love, and their commitment to one another. Today, we celebrate not only the love they have found but also the love and support you all provide as their community.
[The Love Story]
Officiant:Every love story is unique, and [Partner 1] and [Partner 2] have written theirs with moments of laughter, adventure, and growth. From the moment they met [briefly share how they met], to [highlight significant moments in their relationship], their journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. Their love has grown stronger with each passing day, and today, we honor their choice to continue this journey together as partners in life.
[Reading or Poem]
Officiant:At this time, we'd like to share a reading that captures the essence of [Partner 1] and [Partner 2]'s relationship. [Invite a friend or family member to read a chosen poem, excerpt, or personal words].
Officiant:Now, [Partner 1] and [Partner 2] would like to share their vows with each other. These promises are a reflection of their love and commitment.
Partner 1:[Personal vows]
Partner 2:[Personal vows]
[Exchange of Rings]
Officiant:May I have the rings, please? These rings are symbols of the unbroken circle of love, signifying to all the union of [Partner 1] and [Partner 2].
Partner 1:[Partner 2], I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment to you.
Partner 2:[Partner 1], I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment to you.
[Declaration of Marriage]
Officiant:By the power vested in me by the universe and the love and joy in this room, I now pronounce you partners in life. You may seal your union with a kiss.
[Closing Remarks and Celebration]
Officiant:Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor to present to you for the first time as a married couple, [Partner 1] and [Partner 2]! Let us celebrate their love and this wonderful new chapter in their lives.
Officiant:Please join us for [details of the celebration to follow, such as a reception, dinner, or dance]. Thank you!
Feel free to personalize this script further to fit the personalities and preferences of the couple. Congratulations on the joyous occasion!4
